Paula, Professor Pocket and Raising a bilingual baby

Is anyone out there?

A much needed little break August 4, 2008

Filed under: Bilingual — Paula G, Professor Pocket and My Pregnancy @ 5:22 pm
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Joe and I are off to Mexico for our “Babymoon” on Wednesday.  Our last hoorah before sleepless nights and breastfeeding take over. I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing, mostly laying on the beach or swimming in the ocean. I have felt so great throughout this pregnancy that when we planned this trip I thought nothing of the fact that I’d be six months pregnant by the time it actually came. I still feel pretty good and am not completely huge yet, but I am a bit nervous about the usual hazards associated with a trip to Mexico if you know what I mean. 

I also refused to break down and buy a maternity bathing suit…that’s right folks, for anyone in Cabo this week, you will see me and all my extra 20 lbs hanging out on the beach in the bikinis of my former skinny self. They actually still fit…kinda. A bit more cleavage and belly but that’s not so bad.

I am also excited to practice my Spanish. I don’t get to speak it as much since I’m not visiting my native Dominican Republic as often as I used to. I still try to practice with my family and of course I’ve got to get my Spanish back in shape for the baby. The plan is for me to only speak Spanish and for Joe to take care of the English. Bilingual babies rule! Hasta Luego Amigos!