Paula, Professor Pocket and Raising a bilingual baby

Is anyone out there?

Professor Pocket’s commercial debut…the importance of bilingual education! October 16, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Paula G, Professor Pocket and My Pregnancy @ 9:26 pm
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We produced our first online commercial discussing the state of education (specifically bilingual education) in the US and how it compares to other countries. Please share this with everyone you know and help us spread our message! Thank you!


A Parents’ Choice Award…woohoo!! October 3, 2008

Filed under: Bilingual — Paula G, Professor Pocket and My Pregnancy @ 6:11 pm
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I have to once again congratulate Professor Pocket and celebrate a little on our own behalf 🙂

Our second release, Our Hawaiian Hula Adventure, has won a Parents’ Choice Approved Award in the category of Audio/Storytelling. This is a huge honor for a small company like ours, as Parent’s Choice is very exclusive in the choices they make. Here is a little about the organization from their website

“The Foundation’s purpose is to search out and recommend products that help kids grow – imaginatively, physically, morally and mentally—fairly priced products that are fun, safe and socially sound.

Parents’ Choice reviews books, toys, music, television, software, videogames, websites, and magazines for children and families of all achievements and backgrounds.

If you’re looking for a list of “Hot Toys,” you won’t find them here. Parents’ Choice recommends toys with staying power, books with honesty and integrity of characters, illustration of elegance and imagination, music that families can sing together, storytelling that teaches us lessons from lands and cultures close and far away, magazines that do not mask editorial content in advertising, television that teaches with civility and not chaos, and software and videogames that encourage sharpening skills not leveling landscapes.”

As a small business out there trying to establish ourselves in the bilingual children’s market, this certainly gives us a huge boost of encouragement! Congratulations to us!