Paula, Professor Pocket and Raising a bilingual baby

Is anyone out there?

Nesting, organizing and cleaning gone crazy! October 14, 2008

Filed under: Personal — Paula G, Professor Pocket and My Pregnancy @ 1:25 am
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It’s amazing how motivating a baby can be!! When Joe and I moved into our 1390 square foot house just about four years ago, we realized we owned a lot of junk and didn’t have the space to store it. Our garage became our dumping ground as you can see above. In an effort to get the baby’s room somewhat ready for the arrival of Baby G, we had to clear out one of the rooms in our 3 bedroom home. We didn’t want to give up our guest room, so Joe had to give up his drums/play room, which we referred to as the orange room due to its bright orange paint (which we love by the way).

As a home based business owner I also needed a practical space for all of my Professor Pocket inventory and filing which up till this week was strewn throughout our home.

We had to spend multiple weekends going through all of the junk we owned and had stored in the garage for the past 3 1/2 years ie. old furniture, old books, old clothes etc. One garage sale, one storage unit, and one trip to Salvation Army later we finally had gotten rid of most of the unnecessary items in the garage. We then brought in some handy men to do their magic, new drywall, new paint, new electrical and new storage units and VOILA…our mini storage/home entertainment center is born. Final results below…we’re so proud! It’s actually a useable, liveable space! And now we focus on Baby G’s orange room…can’t wait!
